Thursday, November 24, 2016

Creepy Clown - by Vance L. Mellen - I wanted to like this novella, I really did

2 of 5 Stars     Review copy

Early on in Creepy Clown the author warns the reader...

 This will not be a well-written book.  I don't have time to proofread it, clean it up, or censor it.. It will just flow out of my hands, like practiced magic tricks or acrobatic stunts.  I have to write it down as quickly as I possibly can and get it out before it's too late for all of us.  Before I change my mind.

Even taking the above into consideration, Creepy Clown, didn't work for me. There were some things I couldn't sort out about the timeline in the story, even after rereading some sections of the book.  Also, after I began reading the novella, the author contacted me about some proofreading corrections he had made and sent me the new copy which was about eighteen-percent shorter than what I had originally received.  This after I had already read half of the novella.  That's not what bothered me about the book, but it certainly didn't enhance the experience.

Creepy Clown is an interesting story idea.  I'm not a literary critic, so I couldn't say what its problems were  It just seemed like this was an early draft and there was room for improvement.

To add to the confusion there are two listings for this novella on Amazon.  Creepy Clown: Who We Are. Why We Are Here released on October 25, 2016 and Creepy Clown: Creepy Clowns - Who Are They? What do they want? released on November 19th, 2016, and they are different file sizes.  Very confusing.

Creepy Clown is currently available for the Kindle.  If you subscribe to Kindle Unlimited you can read it at no additional charge.  Also, if you are an Amazon Prime member you can read it for FREE using the Kindle Owners Lending Library.

As always, your mileage may vary.

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